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ChromaGraph Manual

ChromaGraph was a Chroma editor for the Apple II with the Fender Music System. Thanks to Ray Hannisian [21030829] for providing scans of this manual.

ChromaGraph Operating Instructions


  1. Turn on Chroma.
  2. Put CHROMAGRAPH disk in drive one.
  3. Turn on Computer.
    Computer will ask if you want a color or a hi-resolution display.
  4. Press either 0 (color) or 1 (hi-res).

Wait for the program to load. If Chroma is not connected properly, a message will appear on the screen.

Screen will display Chroma "patch 0," that is, the current voice.

To Change Voices

Simply select new voice on Chroma as normal.

To Edit a Voice

Make parameter changes as normal. These changes will be displayed on the screen.

If some parameters of a patch have no effect on the voice, (eg. envelope 2B, or glide A, or sweep B, etc.) they will not be displayed on the screen. If edits are made to a voice that uses these parameters, they will still not be displayed. Pressing the space bar on the Apple ][ will "re-evaluate" the patch, and update the screen to include these parameters.

changing panel data (eg. transpose, link mode, etc.) will not change the screen (it can be seen on the panel). The screen can be updated however by pressing the space bar on the Apple ][.

Hardware Prerequisites

ChromaGraph is designed to run on Apple ][+ and Apple ][e computers using the Chroma/Apple interface card (model 1611 by CBS Inc.) in slot 5, and the disk drive controller card in slot 6. Make sure that these cards are in the correct slots, or ChromaGraph will NOT work.

Color and hi-resolution monochrome monitors are supported by ChromaGraph. Using a TV through an rf modulator may not give a sharp enough display. You may switch display modes at any time by pressing 0 (color) or 1 (hi-res) on the Apple ][.

List of Abbreviations

Note: This is not a list of available options, as some of the parameter names displayed on the screen are not abbreviated.


KGLA - Keyboard Glide A
KGLB - Keyboard Glide B
KYBD - Keyboard
-KBD - -Keyboard

LEV1 - Lever 1
-LV1 - -Lever 1
LEV2 - Lever 2
-LV2 - -Lever2

VELC - Velocity
-VEL - -Velocity
TVEL - Threshold Velocity

PRES - Pressure
-PRS - -Pressure
TPRS - Threshold Pressure

THR - Threshold
-THR - -Threshold

Footswitches and Pedals

PED1 - Pedal 1
-PD1 - -Pedal 1
PED2 - Pedal 2
-PD2 - -Pedal 2

E/E - Enabled/Enabled
E/D - Enabled/Disabled
D/E - Disabled/Enabled
D/D - Disabled/Disabled
NGE - Note Gate/Enabled
NGD - Note Gate/Disabled
-NGE - Not Note Gate/Enabled
-NGD - Not Note Gate/Disabled


It is our policy to continue to offer you the finest software we can develop. We would therefore request that you take a moment to complete and mail the evaluation form found on the next page.

When any updated versions of this program become available, we will notify you of what changes have been made and what new features have been added and how to update your disk.

Replacement Disks

Should your CHROMAGRAPH disk ever fail to work properly, simply send your original disk and and [sic] check for ten dollars (to defray shipping and copying expenses) back to us.

Disclaimer of Warranty

CHROMAGRAPH is sold "as is" without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Because of the diversity of conditions and hardware under which this program may be used, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. The user is advised to test the program throughly [sic] before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. Any liability of seller or manufacturer will be limited exclusively to product replacement.

Feedback Form


ChromaGraph - Copyright 1984 by Kevin Laubach [21030154]
Dos 3.3 - Copyright 1980-1981 by Apple Computer, Inc.
Flex Type - Copyright 1983 by Beagle Brothers

This program uses Beagle Brothers hi-res character generator, "Flex Type".

The word Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.

The word Chroma is a registered trademark of CBS Inc.

Apple Computer, Inc. was not in any way involved in the writing or preparation of this product, nor were the facts presented in the package reviewed for accuracy by that company. Use of the the [sic] term Apple should not be construed to represent any endorsement, official or otherwise, by Apple Computer, Inc.

Apple Computer, Inc. makes no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the enclosed computer software package, its merchantability or its fitness for any particular purpose. The exclusion of implied warranties is not permitted by some states. The above exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty provides you with specific legal rights. There may be other rights that you may have may have which vary from state to state.

CBS makes no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the software, its merchantability or its fitness for any particular purpose. The exclusion of implied warranties is not permitted by some states. The above exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty provides you with specific legal rights. There may be other rights that you may have which vary from state to state.

DOS 3.3 is a copyrighted program of Apple Computer, Inc. licensed to LaBach Software to distribute for use only in combination with ChromaGraph. Apple Software shall not be copied onto another diskette (except for archive purposes) or into memory unless as part of the execution of ChromaGraph. When ChromaGraph has completed execution, Apple Software shall not be used by any other program.

I/O Driver 2.0 is a copyrighted program of CBS Inc. licensed to LaBach Software to distribute for use only in combination with ChromaGraph. CBS Software shall not be copied onto another diskette (except for archive purposes) or into memory unless as part of the execution of ChromaGraph. When ChromaGraph has completed execution, CBS Software shall not be used by any other program.